Chocolate Christmas Tartini - Beryl's Gourmet
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Tart Shell

1. Unsalted butter 200g
2. Icing sugar 100g
3. Eggs 30g
4. Plain flour 288g
5. Beryl’s Premium Pure Cocoa Powder 50g


Combine butter and icing sugar together and beat it with the paddle attachment in the mixer until it turns into light color. After that, slowly pour the eggs and mix well with the butter mixture. Lastly, fold in the flour and Beryl’s Premium Pure Cocoa Powder. Mix well to form into a dough. Keep the tart dough over night before use. Roll the dough into 3mm thickness and mold into a tart mould. Bake at 180°C for about 10 minutes to 13 minutes.

Mix Dried Fruit Ganache

1. Beryl’s 62% Dark Chocolate 523g
2. Dairy cream 266g
3. Glucose 400g
4. Unsalted butter 106g
5. Mix dried fruits 150g
6. Rum 200g


Soak the mix fruits with rum. Soak it over night before use. Bring the cream and glucose to boil and then remove from heat and pour over the Beryl’s 62% Dark Chocolate. Blend in unsalted butter into this ganache mixture and then whisk until smooth. Put the soaked mix dried fruits into the ready tart shell and fill in the ganache.

Mix Dried Fruit Ganache

1. Beryl’s 62% Dark Chocolate 250g
2. (A) UHT whipping cream 125g
3. (B) UHT whipping cream 500g


Boil the cream (A) after that pour into Beryl’s 62% Dark Chocolate to dissolve it. Let the mixture coll down before adding the (B) cream and mix well together. Whip this mixture until stiff peak. Scoop this whip cream on top of the tart which already has the filling as garnish.